Dagrut's Blog

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X-Spamcause decoder

Here is a simple X-Spamcause header decoder below (Taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/73132306).

Paste your code and let it decode.

function decode(msg) { return ( Array(msg.length / 2) .fill(0) .map(function(_, i) { return ( String.fromCharCode...
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Music scale generator

Here is an other small tool to generate given scales. It's not complete, but it's a start!
Scales presets were taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_musical_scales_and_modes.

Base note : A / La ♯A / ♯La (♭B / ♭Si) B / Si C / Do ♯C / ♯Do (♭...
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Finding chord names and scale from notes

Here is a small tool to help you guess chord names and scale names from selected notes. It's not complete, but it's a start!
Chords presets were taken from http://www.smithfowler.org/music/Chord_Formulas.htm?i=1 and scales presets from https://en.wikiped...
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Toolbox for website creators

Hi there!
For once have I been contacted by a website administrator, which is actually a set of tools to test, debug and help you with various aspects of website creation, and more!

The website I'm talking is https://extendsclass.com/. It talks about v...
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Guitar exercises


Today I'll talk about some nice exercises or music pieces that you can try on guitar to improve yourself.

First, chromatisms, but on a different way that what is shown everywhere on the internet : First put your index on the high E string, firs...
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Guitar chords & notes

Here is a small article which will help you build your own chords on a guitar. Just pick the fundamental note of the chord you want to play, and then tweak the values, and see where you can and/or should have your fingers.
All presets were taken from htt...
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Handling a crashed hard drive with systemd

Hi there!

I had a problem with a crashed hard drive some time ago. I had I/O errors on it, and it used to store backups (all my backups, desktops/laptops/servers backups). I thought that rebooting would be a good idea, to try to save the data that were ...
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Dump/Restore levels trick

Hi there!

Today I wanted to talk about a nice trick that you may want to use for your backups using dump. You may already be using a sequence like 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... for your dumps. However, it will create many level 0 dumps, so increasing the size used...
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Guitar links, tips & tricks

Hi there!

Some time ago, I started learning guitar (Yeah, I know it has nothing to do with this blog, but it's mine and I do what I want here ). And because finding tutorials, videos, and good stuff to play to learn smoothly is not that easy, I thought...
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I had a dream

Tonight I had a dream. Really!
"Why talking about it here", you may ask? Well, that's because this dream would make a nice film or videogame plot! No other reason.
Let's get started :

It took place in a post-apocalyptic world, a world quite like in "...
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